
User Guide for Duke


Task management



list - Lists all tasks

Lists all tasks currently stored in the application.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
 1. [T][Y] read book (takes: 5 hours)
 2. [D][X] return book (by: 14 September 2020)

todo - Add a todo task

Adds a todo task to the application.

Example of usage:

todo read book /takes 5 hours

Expected outcome:

Sure, I've added this task to your list:
 [T][X] read book (takes: 5 hours)
You now have 3 task(s) in the list!

deadline - Add a deadline task

Adds a deadline task to the application.

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by 2020-09-14

Expected outcome:

Sure, I've added this task to your list:
 [D][X] return book (by: 14 September 2020)
You now have 4 task(s) in the list!

event - Add a event task

Adds a event to the application.

Example of usage:

event library renewal /at 2020-12-29

Expected outcome:

Sure, I've added this task to your list:
 [E][X] library renewal (at: 29 December 2020)
You now have 5 task(s) in the list!

done - Mark a task as done

Marks a task in the application as done, specified using the index.

Example of usage:

done 3

Expected outcome:

Great! I've marked this task as done:
 [T][Y] read book (takes: 5 hours)

delete - Deletes a task

Deletes the specified task, specified using the index.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Sure, I've deleted this task from your list:
 [T][Y] read book (takes: 5 hours)
You now have 2 task(s) in the list.

find - Search for a task

Searches for a task in the application using a keyword.

Example of usage:

find library

Expected outcome:

Here are your search results:
 1. [E][X] library renewal (at: 29 December 2020)

bye - Exits the application

Exits the application

Example of usage:
